The summer is coming, lots of people like to eat canned lychee. There several delicious lychee (litchi) recipes. In summer, lychee ice cream is one of the best choices. It can promote the digestion, maintain the skin and has anti-aging effects.
Ingredient: canned lychee 200g, white sugar:35g and yoghourt: 220g
1. You should invert Ice cream maker in the refrigerator a day ahead of time.

2. Put 200g lychee(litchi) flesh and white sugar into the container.

3. Add the yoghourt into the container and stir them. Then put the container into the refrigerator and wait for about 30 minutes.
4. Pour the lychee yoghourt into the ice cream maker and the amount of the lychee yoghourt can be 80 to 90 percent of the volume of the ice cream maker. Then insert the ice cream sticks.

5. After 20 minutes, you can take out the ice cream makers and enjoy the lithe (lychee) ice cream.

1. When you use ice cream maker to make ice cream, you should add a little sugar. If you don’t add any sugar, it will be difficult to take the ice cream out.
2. You should dry the inside wall of the ice cream maker before you put it into the refrigerator.