In this season, many people likes eats lychees or canned litchis ( lychees). Sweet lychees are one of many people’s favorite fruits and canned lychees can be a wonderful snack for us. But do you ever heard not to eat too many lychees?
So what happen if we eat too many lychees (litchis) at one time? Eating too much lychees will lead to hypoglycemia. The main symptoms is pale, sweat, dizzy, weak and palpitate. Some people who get hypoglycemia may feel hungry, thirsty, abdominal pain and diarrhea. If you have a sore throat or chronic tonsil,eating too much lychee will make the disease worse. However, you will be able to make the level of your blood sugar lower if you usually eat appropriate amount of lychee.
Then, people may ask another question: “How many lychees can I eat at most at one time?” You had better eat no more then ten lychees at one time. And you should not eat lychees more than 300g per day.

If you feel hungry, weak or dizzy, dirnking syrup will help you recover soon. Canned lychees in syrup(litchis) can solve the problem to let you enjoy the Sweet lychees. They are very convenient for you to eat litchi, especially if there are no lychees in your area.