The instant noodle is commonly in our daily life. It is portable and has various flavors, which makes it suits with every occasion in our lives. It is so popular that there are many rumors about instant noodle. The rumor which spreads widely is that “The instant noodle can not be digested in 32 hours.”

The rumor comes from a experiment by an American scientist. He shoot a video about the contrast of manual noodle and instant noodle the in our stomach by capsule endoscopy. At 32 hours after they eat the manual noodle or instant noodle, the manual noodle has been digested; however, the instant noodle still remains a little. The scientist said, the Best Instant Noodles is difficult to digest because the instant noodle has been added many food additives which will threat our health. But, the experiment above has some questions.
First, the video doesn’t make by the real American scientist. It was made by an American teacher who majored in design and the doctor from hospital. They make this video to show their negative emotions to the modern food. Secondly, they eat the instant noodle with drink. However, they eat manual noodle with tea which can help people digest the food. In the original video, two kinds of noodles were almost digested after two hours they eat it. The instant noodle only remained a little.
Moreover, the capsule endoscopy can’t shoot a video for more than 32 hours. In conclusion the “The vegetable noodle can not be digested in 32 hours” is just a rumor. The instant noodle is not as unhealthy as the rumor said. But we had better add some vegetables or eggs to improve the healthy value of the instant noodle.